EXAMPLE FILES (w/downloads)
Flash Reports
A flash report is a summary that provides a periodic snapshot of a company's key performance indicators and key operational figures. The senior management team can use weekly flash reports to quickly assess how the business is performing rather than making reactive decisions based on quarterly reports.
I believe that a Flash Report should include information about sales and spend trends, purchasing and inventory positions, accounts payable, receivable and cash positions
I've designed/implemented many "daily" Flash Reports similar to the following example. These reports are directly connected to the underlying SQL database and can be instantly refreshed without requiring complex spreadsheet builds or the use of other data migration tools.
(Click on file icon to download)
Trended Backlog
Successful companies maintain compliance with customer delivery commitments. I've always maintained that >98% of all shipments must be made "on time" so that customers will be delighted with their business experience. On time deliveries are always determined by comparing committed delivery dates to actual delivery dates. Delivery dates can be both immediate and in the future. But compliance with the agreed upon shipping date is key.
The following "trended backlog" example was prepared for a company that had a 98% same day shipment delivery commitment. It trends both "current" and "delinquent" backlog. In real life, the user can drill down into the underlying details to determine parts and customers impacted by shipment delinquencies allowing the company to focus appropriate resources to better achieve its stated goals.
Item Master
If your Company maintains inventory, you must employ an Item Master. I have been building Item Masters for many years. The benefit of an Item Master is that it shows all pertinent inventory data in "real-time".
Elements to include in any Item Master must be:
• Inventory Position
- Quantity on Hand, On Order and Allocated
- Standard, Average and Last Cost
• Quick Sales Snapshots
- Part sales Period to Date and Prior Year Same Period
- Part Costs must also be shown to reflect current margins
• Part Categorizations
- Product Categories, ABC Designation, and Primary Vendors
• Manufacturing and Purchase Data
- Batch Size, Initial Work Center (optional)
Item Master's which I have developed are always connected to the underlying SQL database. The reporting XLXS is set to 'refresh' on 15 minute intervals; thus making the report "real-time". This report is typical left open on the users desktop making inventory analysis "instant".